
Jj thomson cathode ray experiment without word
Jj thomson cathode ray experiment without word

jj thomson cathode ray experiment without word

The case of the electron raises several interesting points about the discovery process. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1906 for this work, and in 1908 he was knighted. In 1899, he measured the charge of the particles, and speculated on how they were assembled into atoms. In 1897 he reported that "cathode rays" were actually negatively charged particles in motion he argued that the charged particles weighed much less than the lightest atom and were in fact constituents of atoms. For much of his career, Thomson worked on various aspects of the conduction of electricity through gases. Thomson was the Cavendish professor of Experimental Physics at Cambridge University and director of its Cavendish Laboratory from 1884 until 1919. Thomson, 1856-1940 see photo at American Institute of Physics) is widely recognized as the discoverer of the electron.

jj thomson cathode ray experiment without word

Thomson an experimental genius?’ ( 1986) Google Scholar, submitted to Social Studies in Science.Discovery of the Electron: J. CrossRef Google Scholar In my thesis and a forthcoming paper, I discuss other ways in which the mechanical philosophy influenced Thomson's approach to experiment: Falconer, I., ‘J. As Wheaton has pointed out, the mechanical philosophy was implicit in Thomson and Schuster's cathode ray experiments: they assumed that macroscopic mechanical laws carried over into the microscopic realm: Wheaton, B., The Tiger and the Shark, Cambridge, 1983, p. He does not consider any experimental stimulus for the theory changes he describes, nor the influence of these theoretical commitments on Thomson's experimental work. However, Topper deals exclusively with Thomson's theoretical work. Google Scholar The last of these is particularly important for containing details of Thomson's vortex analogies and the way he transposed them from one situation to another. Thomson and the mechanical picture of nature’, Annals of Science, ( 1980), 37, p. 393 Google Scholar ‘To reason by means of images: J.

#Jj thomson cathode ray experiment without word archive#

71–19065 ‘Commitment to mechanism: J.J.Thomson, the early years’, Archive for the History of Exact Sciences, ( 1971), 7, p. Thomson and Maxwell's Electromagnetic Theory’, Ph.D dissertation, Case Western Reserve University, 1970 Google Scholar, University Microfilms order No. CrossRef Google Scholar Topper has studied Thomson's commitment to mechanism in general, and to Maxwell in particular, in his thesis and two papers: Topper, D., ‘J. J., ‘ Mechanical explanation at the end of the nineteenth century’, Centaurus, ( 1972), 17, p. (20).ĥ5 Klein examines the status of the mechanical philosophy and visualisable analogies, particularly Maxwell's use of them: Klein, M. 510 Google Scholar ‘The disruptive discharge of electricity through gases’, Philosophical Magazine, ( 1890), V, 29, p. 371 Google Scholar ‘The passage of electricity through gases’, British Association Report, ( 1889), p. 317, 495 CrossRef Google Scholar ‘Experiments on the discharge of electricity through gases’, Proceedings of the Royal Society, ( 1887), 42, p. Schuster, A., ‘ Experiments on the discharge of electricity through gases: a sketch of a theory’ (Royal Society Bakerian Lecture), Proceedings of the Royal Society, ( 1884), 37, pp. At the relatively high pressures of Thomson's experiments, cathode rays were not a significant phenomenon, but they probably were in Schuster's experiments. Neither quotes figures for the pressures they were working at, but Schuster appears to have expended more time in evacuating his apparatus. 34 This difference between Schuster and Thomson was probably largely due to the conditions under which they performed their experiments.

Jj thomson cathode ray experiment without word